Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sweet Packaging

Deliciousness matched with excellent packaging presentation.

gu, laduree, marni, mast borthers

1. Consuelo Castiglioni, owner of Marni, designed these chic golden boxes for Paris' Ladurée pastries. Inside this treasure chest are eighteen maracons, each adorned with a golden leaf. Luxurious! These boxes with matching macarons will be available for the 2009 holiday season.

2. Brooklyn based Mast Brothers Chocolate pride themselves on being the only "bean to bar" chocolate makers in the Big Apple. These chocolate artisans make every bar by hand! The wrappers remind me of darling Christmas presents.

3. is a UK Pastry company specializing in Belgian chocolate. This packaging is simple, sleek, and the dark chocolate souffles on the front make my mouth water. PLEASE visit the site and take in all of the incredible photography! YOU. WILL. DIE.

1 comment:

  1. since there are no new posts, I will have to resort to reading old ones..

    I love the word darling.
