Sunday, July 12, 2009

Prima Donna

I was ecstatic to hear that Rufus Wainwright was commissioned to write his first opera! It is called Prima Donna and it premiered two days ago at the Palace Theater in Manchester, UK during the Manchester International Festival. If only I was there! If only I was able to go to one of the performances! There apparently was talk of bringing Prima Donna to the Metropolitan Opera, but that plan fell through due to the MET's overbooked calendar. Wainwright was commissioned to write Prima Donna in attempt to attract younger audiences to the genre of opera... a very good call in my opinion. I managed to find a youtube videoof Rufus giving a sneak peak of an aria during a concert in Paris. Don't let this mislead you though... he will not be performing in Prima Donna.

His voice never fails to captivate me.

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